Reconciling Pentecostals International
Greetings in the wonderful name of Jesus Christ our Lord!
I am thankful that you have discovered the website for Reconciling Pentecostals International. We are a fellowship of pastors, ministers, and congregations that seek to exalt Christ and provide a safe place for ALL of God’s children. RPI believes that all people, regardless of their sexual identity, are welcome at His table and can be involved at all levels of ministry within the church.
RPI is a diverse group of people who come from different religious backgrounds. Many of our members have come from traditional Pentecostal denominations while others come from Baptist, Methodist, and even Mormon backgrounds. Whatever our history, RPI is a place where all Spirit-filled believers can find fellowship, love, and acceptance.
As the Chief Presiding Presbyter of RPI, my goal is to see our members equipped with all the tools they need to be the church in these dark and trying times. While I recognize the challenge before us, I know that the power of the Holy Ghost within us is greater than anything we could encounter!
I encourage you to come and find out more about who we are. I want to personally invite you to join us for our annual General Conference or for one of our Church Rally’s or Revivals. All the information for these events can be found on this website under the Upcoming Events tab.
May God richly bless you!
Pastor Daniel Parnell
Chief Presiding Presbyter – Reconciling Pentecostals International
Senior Pastor – East Street Apostolic Church, Indianapolis, Indiana