Reconciling Pentecostals International
The "Fellowship of Reconciling Pentecostals International" is a network of Pentecostal ministers, churches, and ministries which seeks by means of the full gospel of Jesus Christ to reconcile all repentant people to God without regard to race, gender, political persuasion, economic or educational status, sexual orientation, nationality, religious affiliation, or any other thing that divides. RPI provides wounded Apostolics an affirming home among those of "like precious faith", and a safety net for those in personal, family, or religious crisis. We stand together in love, and for the glory of Jesus' Name, to promote apostolic truth, Pentecostal worship, righteousness, counseling, education, evangelism, ministerial accountability, and fellowship. We extend our hands and hearts to all Bible believers that together we may be the open arms of the Lord Jesus Christ, reaching all the people, with all the gospel until Jesus returns.
1. Promote Apostolic truth, holiness, and Pentecostal worship
2. Sponsor new churches
3. Educate through various media
4. Support those in personal, familial or religious crisis
5. Establish lines of communication and credibility with traditionally non-inclusive ministries
6. Provide the benefits of a strong, ethical ministerial alliance
7. Care for the poor, in-firmed and outcast
8. Unite our resources for an aggressive global missions program
9. Sponsor conferences
10. Glorify God, edify the saints and evangelize the lost
In May of 1998, five Apostolic ministers gathered in Little Rock, AR for the purpose of discussing the formation of a new fellowship. These ministers were (in Alphabetical order) Douglas E. Clanton, William Randall Duncan, Daryl Goss, Michael Lawson, and Robert L. Morgan. Each of these men having come from a Oneness, Jesus' Name background had experienced some level of rejection from the various affirming organizations that existed at that time. As they prayed together and shared their burden for ministry, a united vision emerged: to form a Pentecostal fellowship for ministers, churches and ministries that would provide a home for Apostolic men and women coming out of their conventional churches and organizations, and to create one affirming fellowship that would truly unite both Oneness and Trinitarian men and women who shared a passion for the Pentecostal message and worship. This same group met again, in Tampa, Fl in the fall of 1999 to further discuss the emerging vision.
In June of 2000, two of these men, Douglas E. Clanton and Robert L. Morgan officially organized the Fellowship of Reconciling Pentecostals International. The organization functioned for 2½ years under the auspices of Rev. Morgan's church, Potter's House Fellowship in Tampa, FL. Although initially there were two groupings of ministers (General and Associate) in order to facilitate the doctrinal difference of its members, this division was removed in late 2002 when RPI reorganized under a new constitution independent of Potter's House Fellowship. In doing so, they removed the requirement of baptism in the name of Jesus for full license or ordination.
This requirement has been preserved for those desiring to hold a position on the General Board of Presbyters in order to maintain a spirit of unity among the members of the fellowship. It is our hope that the willingness to be baptized in Jesus' name will allow our presbyters to better lead all members of the fellowship, whether Oneness or Trinitarian.
The Fellowship of Reconciling Pentecostals International was legally and independently incorporated in Scottsdale, AZ in June of 2003. It is presently headquartered in La Porte, Indiana.
We believe in. . .
One True God who manifested Himself as the Father in creation, Son in redemption, and the Holy Ghost in regeneration. The Father is the fullness of God invisible. The Son is the embodiment of God's fullness in flesh. The Holy Ghost is the fullness of God in the church by emanation. Deut. 6:4; Isaiah 43:10-11; Hosea 13:4; Mark 12:29 & 32; I Cor. 8:4-6; I Tim. 2:5; James 2:19.
Christ's Absolute Deity as the One True, Almighty God manifest in the flesh. Jesus Christ was fully human and fully divine. We believe in His virgin birth, sinless life, miraculous ministry, subsequent death and bodily resurrection. II Cor. 5:18; Isaiah 7:14; Matt. 1:23; Heb. 4:15; Acts 10:38; II Cor. 5:21; Acts 2:31-32; John 1:1 & 14; John 10:30; Col. 2:9; Col. 1:19; II Cor. 4:6; I Tim. 4:10; Titus 2:13; Jude 25.
The Bible is utterly trustworthy and reliable as the final authority for faith and practice. It is the divinely inspired, infallible Word of God and as such must be understood and interpreted correctly, maintaining its original historical and cultural context. We make no contention for a perfect translation but believe that the Bible as we know it today is trustworthy and reliable as the final authority for faith and practice. II Timothy 3:16; Matthew 24:35.
A Sinful Nature has been inherited by every person who has also sinned of their own volition, making them sinners in need of a Savior. Psalm 51:5; Rom. 3:23.
The Salvation experience is received by grace, through faith in the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. Salvation is initiated by God and calls for our surrender and acceptance. It is available to all who receive it. God's grace is appropriated through faith, which we demonstrate by obeying the New Testament plan of salvation as preached by the early church. Today as back then, a person is saved/born again by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, which is evidenced by obediently identifying with His death, burial and resurrection. This is accomplished by the Blood of Jesus Christ through:
the death of our "old man" in repentance.
the burial of our sinful nature in baptism by total immersion in water, into the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. This act is the New Testament circumcision of the heart that is a sign of God's covenant with those who are called by His Name.
our resurrection to newness of life through the infilling/baptism of the Holy Ghost with the initial, physical evidence of speaking in other tongues. This birth of the Spirit is for us today and was the expected experience of every New Testament believer.
These serve as conduits of our faith toward God and His grace toward us.
John 3:3-5; Mark 16:16 & 17; Acts 2:4,38-39; Acts 8:16; Acts 10:46-48; Acts 19: 5-6; Acts 22:16; I Cor. 14:5,18; Rom. 8:9,11,15 & 16, I John 5:8; I Cor. 15:1-4; Heb. 9:22; Romans 6:4-6; Titus 3:5.
Holiness unto the Lord and separation from evil and all addictions of the flesh is essential and should characterize everyone who has been spiritually regenerated. We are to flee worldliness and carnality in pursuit of the righteousness of God in our lives. I Peter 1:15-16; I Thess. 5:22; II Cor. 6:17; I John 2:15.
Our Mission is to make disciples, relieve suffering and minister to those in need. Matt. 28:19; Mark 16:15; Luke 24:47; Acts 1:8; Matt. 25:35-46; James 1:27; I Cor. 11:23-30.
Healing and Deliverance has been provided by God in the atonement and can be manifested in response to the prayer of faith. Luke 10:9; Mark 16:18; James 5:14-16; I Peter 2:24.
Jesus Christ's Imminent Return for His church will happen at the appointed time, and someday all will stand before Him to receive eternal reward or face eternal punishment. There will be a literal seven year tribulation during which time the anti-Christ will be revealed. Following the Tribulation, the Battle of Armageddon will be fought and will culminate in Christ's victory and His one thousand year reign of peace. There will be a final judgment where the souls of men and women will be assigned eternal punishment or reward in a literal Heaven or Hell. Matt. 24; I Cor. 15:15, 52; I Thess. 4:13-17; Rev. 7:14; Rev. 16:16; I John 2:18; II Thess. 2:3-4; Rev. 19:1-22; Rev. 7.
Intimate Relations and Marriage Since we have been baptized into Christ and have put on Christ according to Galatians 3:27-28, there is no longer a distinction between Jew and Greek, bond and free, male and female; we are all one in Christ. And whereas God is no respecter of persons (Acts 10:34), we believe same-sex relationships are held to exactly the same Biblical standard as heterosexual relationships in the sight of God. Marriage is a sacred, lifelong covenant between two people and their God, in which sexual fidelity is maintained. We encourage those entering into marriage to acknowledge their sacred vows before God. With regards to sexual conduct, we strongly admonish our ministers and members to conduct themselves according to the Bible standard of intimate relations. We acknowledge one standard for all individuals, regardless of sexual orientation. We believe the only acceptable form of sexual expression between two people is that which takes place within the context of marriage (Heb. 13:4).