Reconciling Pentecostals International
R.P.I. endorses legitimate ministries that do not fall under the category of churches and licensed and ordained ministers. These ministries must meet the same requirements, as do Associate Membership Churches and Ministers. However, these ministries are not required to hold license or ordination with R.P.I. These ministries will enjoy the endorsement of our fellowship as long as they remain in good standing and continue to meet the standards of membership.
Affiliating ministries may be represented in business meetings by a chosen delegate, and are granted voting privileges. These delegates must be filled with the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in other tongues and be living a consistent, holy life. Ministry delegates are subject to the approval by the general board of R.P.I. and must be on record with R.P.I. at least two weeks prior to any R.P.I. meetings in which they vote.
Churches desiring to establish closer ties of fellowship may apply for either Associate Membership or Full Membership. Churches can join the R.P.I. fellowship by voting in an official business meeting of their church or by the expressed will of the Pastor. We require that the church agree by a majority of its voting members in good standing, if there is no Pastor. The R.P.I. board reserves the right to deny applications or remove a church from its membership rolls. The same judicial process used for R.P.I. ministers applies to churches as well. All affiliate churches are required to financially support R.P.I. on a monthly basis, as they are able.
Associate Membership is an introductory affiliation intended to encourage Christian fellowship and to promote joint outreach efforts. The pastor of this church is required to hold license or ordination with R.P.I. Associate membership churches are Spirit-filled assemblies that teach holy living, demonstrate good stewardship, and promote Pentecostal worship. Associate membership churches may be represented in business meetings by the pastor or a substitute delegate, and are granted voting privileges. Church delegates must be filled with the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in other tongues and be living a consistent, holy life. Church delegates are subject to the approval of the general board of R.P.I. and must be on record with R.P.I. at least two weeks prior to any R.P.I. meetings in which they vote.
Full membership is extended to those churches fully subscribing to the R.P.I. statement of faith and bylaws, and whose pastor holds either a General License or General Ordination with our organization. Full membership churches are Spirit-filled, teach holy living, demonstrate good stewardship, and promote Pentecostal worship. This church is allowed to choose one delegate to represent them, in addition to the pastor, and is granted voting privileges. This delegate must be filled with the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in other tongues and be living a consistent, holy life. Church delegates are subject to the approval of the general board of R.P.I. and must be on record with R.P.I. at least two weeks prior to any R.P.I. meetings in which they vote.
Ministers who have served the Lord actively and honorably but cannot continue to do so due to health, age or another legitimate reason may request to be deemed Honorably Inactive by the General Board. This will be known as "Emeritus Status." Upon receiving Emeritus Status, these ministers will retain their ministerial credentials and full voting privileges, but may not hold official office in R.P.I. Emeritus ministers are required to maintain some form of financial support to the fellowship and abide within the criteria required by R.P.I. to be considered in good standing. They shall be held in highest esteem for their service in the Kingdom of God and to our fellowship, in particular.
A minister holding credentials of any kind with R.P.I., or an R.P.I. affiliate church may be moved to an Inactive Status for the following reasons:
1. If dues or financial contributions are not received according to set deadlines
2. If he/she does not respond to contact initiated by his/her presbyter at least once per quarter
3. If it is deemed that a minister is not actively involved in regular, credible ministerial activity
4. If an affiliate R.P.I. church has ceased to hold regular services, or an R.P.I. church or ministry becomes involved in non-scriptural or unethical practices or beliefs