Reconciling Pentecostals International
RPI welcomes all inquiries and candidates who seek fellowship with our family of ministers and churches. We prayerfully review each and every application to ensure that RPI is a good fit for that person or ministry. We realize that what we stand for and the mission that God gave us many years ago, must not be hindered just to accommodate. It is imperative that each candidate understand who we are and what we believe so that we can come into covenant and be willing to support the entirety of the RPI Statement of Faith, Constitution and Bylaws. We are willing to mentor and help train new ministers answering the call of God. We feel it is very important to be accountable to those in authority that God places in your life. Ministry is our life, not just something we enjoy doing. We desire committed persons who are ready to enlist in this great army of the Lord.
All ministers receiving a general or full ordination license with RPI, and remain in good standing, shall be authorized to perform weddings, bless unions, bury the deceased and perform other such duties as are commonly required of the ministry. These same ministers are eligible to vote on any item that comes before the body of ministers. All ministers' standing in the fellowship shall be reviewed by the RPI board annually. To maintain a license, a minister is absolutely required to remain: involved in a regular, tangible ministry, accountable, godly, supportive of the fellowship financially, cooperative and submissive in the Spirit of Christ, a harmonious worker with other RPI ministers and in compliance with all scriptural requirements as set forth in I Timothy, chapter 3 and Titus, chapter 1. An ordination or license may be revoked by the RPI board at any time there is proven to be just cause.
Your donation can make a real difference in the lives of those we serve. With your help, we can continue to provide vital services and support to those in need. Every little bit helps, so please consider making a donation today.
An Associate License is recommended for new ministers who are Spirit-filled, living a holy life and are in the process of proving his/her calling and are ministering under the supervision of an appointed R.P.I. ordained minister. Those holding an Associate License may minister freely throughout our fellowship, but may not hold an office, nor vote in business sessions.
Applicant must hold a General License for two years unless waived by the R.P.I. board. They may minister freely throughout our fellowship. This individual may be considered for election to an office in R.P.I. and may vote in business sessions. Ordination is reserved for those ministers who have proven themselves through faithful and successful service to the body of Christ in the capacity of pastor, evangelist or teacher. Past or present ordinations may be considered by the R.P.I. board in establishing ministerial credentials with our fellowship.
Applicant must hold a General License for two years unless waived by the R.P.I. board. They may minister freely throughout our fellowship. This individual may be considered for election to an office in R.P.I. and may vote in business sessions. Ordination is reserved for those ministers who have proven themselves through faithful and successful service to the body of Christ in the capacity of pastor, evangelist or teacher. Past or present ordinations may be considered by the R.P.I. board in establishing ministerial credentials with our fellowship.