Reconciling Pentecostals International
Daniel was born and raised in West Virginia and is the son of a Free Will Baptist minister. Daniel felt a call from God on his life at a very young age and has preached the Gospel since he was 14 years old. During his time in the FWB Church, Daniel served in many capacities including an Evangelist, Youth Pastor, and Choir Director. Eventually, though, the church discovered that he was gay and was subsequently excommunicated. The next few years of Daniel’s life was filled with confusion as Daniel attempted to reconcile his love for God and his attraction to the same sex.
This struggle led Daniel to attend a reparative therapy program through Exodus International called Love in Action. During these three months in Memphis, TN, God healed many hurts in Daniel’s life – though it did not in any way change his sexual orientation. After a long struggle to reconcile his faith and sexuality, Daniel found a temporary home in the United Church of Christ where he pursued an active life of ministry as a Music Direction and Assistance Pastor.
During this time, Daniel started attending an affirming Pentecostal church and a fire was ignited within his heart to seek more from God. After marrying his husband Paul, Daniel entered a time of discernment regarding where he should be involved in ministry. After much prayer and fasting, God led Daniel to relinquish his credentials in the United Church of Christ and Daniel threw himself into the ministry of his church, known then as Bridges of Hope Ministries.
Daniel was baptized in Jesus' Name and received the Holy Ghost in 2011. He received his Masters of Divinity Degree from Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis in May 2015 and was also elected as the Senior Pastor of East Street Apostolic Church in June 2015 (formerly Bridges of Hope). East Street is a vibrant, active congregation located on the south side of Indianapolis, Indiana.
Daniel was elected to the Presiding Presbyter position in 2019 and in November 2021 was elected Chief Presiding Presbyter.