Reconciling Pentecostals International
Reconciling Pentecostals International
All payments to R.P.I. can be made here using Givelify. Please choose the appropriate button for the designation of your payment. We are pleased that we can provide this convenience to you, but it does come at a cost. If you can, please add 3% to your payment to offset the cost of this convenience.
Donations, dues, tithes, & fees can also be sent by mail. Please send checks/money orders to the following address:
Reconciling Pentecostals International
Rev. Shawn Key
3 Reeves Lane
Bella Vista, AR. 72714
Please make any checks payable to Fellowship of RPI
R.P.I. welcomes all inquiries and candidates who seek fellowship with our family of ministers and churches
RPI welcomes all inquiries and candidates who seek fellowship with our family of ministers and churches